General FAQs

Most frequent EBR Physio questions and answers

  • How can i make an appointment?

    Making an appointment with us is easy – you can book online or call us on 9570 1254. We have appointments available from 8:30 am until 6:30 pm Monday to Friday. Your appointment will be confirmed the day before via text.

  • How can physiotherapy help?

    The ‘Choose Physio’ website presented by the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA)  includes lots of great and useful info on how Physio can help with; all the different parts of your body, many common conditions and maintain good health whatever age or stage of life you’re at.

    • Your Body  –   all the different parts of your body including ankles, knees and lower back.
    • Your Conditon – how Physio can help you live well with a variety of conditions and diseases such as Arthritis, Dizziness/Vertigo and Pain.
    • Your Wellbeing – how Physio can help you maintain good health at work, pre and post surgery or just keeping physically active.
    • Your Lifestage –  how Physio can help you with you at various ages and stages of life including; Childhood, Adolescence, Motherhood and Ageing Well.
  • What is the cancellations policy?

    We will send you an SMS reminder prior to your appointment. Please provide us with at least 24 hours notice if you need to reschedule. Missed appointments and late cancellation (less than 24hrs) will incur a fee. Consideration may be given for unavoidable circumstances.

  • Do i need a referral to see a Physiotherapist?

    Referral from a doctor is not necessary to attend this practice. If you have a gold or white DVA card, or are under the Medicare CDM (previously known as EPC) program then a referral is required.

  • How do I join a Hydrotherapy class?

    If you are a current patient please speak to your physio about being added to the class. 

    If you are a new patient or haven’t seen us recently then you will need to have an assessment at our rooms before you can join the Hydrotherapy class.

  • How long are appointments?

    All appointments are 30 minutes, one-on-one with a physiotherapist.

  • How do i use and download the Physi App?

    Details on how to access and get started with PhysiApp can be found HERE

  • Do you treat children?

    We treat children from 4 years and above. If children are younger than 4 we recommend seeing a practitioner that is specifically trained in treating pediatric patients.

  • Billing FAQs

    Can I claim Physio Treatment from my Private Health Fund?

    You may be eligible to claim Physiotherapy services from your Private Health insurer depending on your level of cover. To check the exact amount of your rebate you will need to check with your fund.

    How do I claim for my Physio Appointment?

    After your appointment, your health fund card is simply swiped through our HICAPS terminal. Once your claim is authorised, you simply pay the gap amount – the difference between the full treatment fee and the amount claimed from your health fund. You can pay the gap owing with your EFTPOS or credit card.

    Does Medicare cover physiotherapy?

    Physio can be subsidised by Medicare but you will need a referral from your GP under the Medicare Chronic Disease Management plan (CDM). You may be eligible for up to 5 allied health sessions per year. You will need to pay our regular fee and the Medicare rebate of $60.35 (@ 01/107/2024) can be processed on the spot into:

    • an EFTPOS card linked to a cheque or savings account.
    • the bank account you’ve registered with Medicare

  • On the day - what to wear, what to bring

    Wear comfortable clothes or gym wear.

    Please bring any X-Rays, CT scans, MRIs or other investigations that you have had and are relevant to your condition. If scans are not available then even the report will help us.


    If you have a WorkCover claim or have been injured at work then please bring your claim number. If you do not have a claim number but intend to get one please advise our receptionist when you arrive.

  • Useful Links

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