We are very excited to announce that we are now offering the GLA:D® Australia education and exercise program to our clients.
This unique six-week program has been developed to help participants develop skills to better manage their hip and/or knee pain or symptoms of Osteoarthritis (OA).
Developed in Denmark, the GLA:D®, (Good Life with osteoArthritis in Denmark) program reflects the latest evidence in osteoarthritis (OA) research.
What does the GLA:D® program involve?
This program is unique in that the education and exercises provided can be applied to everyday activities, ensuring participants develop skills to self-manage their osteoarthritis. By strengthening and improving confidence with exercise, participants develop better capacity to become or stay active, prevent symptom progression, and reduce pain.
GLA:D® Australia
Great results with GLA:D ®
For more information about visit the
GLA:D® page
on our website or visit GLA:D® Australia: www.gladaustralia.com.au
Research from GLA:D ® Australia has found that participants have reported a significant reduction in pain and reduced usage of pain medication. Their quality of life has improved and in many the need for surgery is reduced or delayed.
If you are experiencing pain and have been looking for physiotherapy treatments in Melbourne or surrounding areas, feel free to call us at (03) 9570 1254 or send us an email at info@ebrphysio.com.au
"I have noticed a drastic difference in my quality of life... Cannot recommend enough. I’ve been to a few different local clinics and nothing quite compares to the level and quality of care from the team here. Every detail at the clinic is so well thought out, and everyone cooperates to give such a fantastic level of service."
Sonja Pitt
Email info@ebrphysio.com.au
133 East Boundary Road
(Cnr. Elizabeth Street)
East Bentleigh VIC 3165
Monday – Friday : 8:30 – 6:30pm
Copyright 2024 EBR Physio