During COVID many of us have worked from home and except for walking and cycling, we’ve been unable to go to gym or group exercise classes. During this time I know many of you have logged on to our free online exercises each week with myself via Zoom.
From the week beginning 22nd of June, we are recommencing our group exercise classes and many of you will be returning to the gym and perhaps sport training sessions. The risk is that many of us will go too hard too fast. All of us need to gradually build up the level that we were at three months ago. Certainly, in our EBR classes, we will be mindful of starting gently and listening to our bodies.
If you are returning to the gym you will need to decrease your previous weights by 30-40% and gradually increase. At EBR Physio we can guide you with a return to exercise and sport/training plan. We can help you with a preventative exercise and stretching programme and help nip any of those overused, overload and injuries in the bud.
Additional Resources:
With gyms across the country beginning their return to normality, you might find yourself with an unwelcome injury if you go too hard, too early.
How to return to the gym without injuring yourself
Australian Physiotherapy Association
APA Sports Physiotherapist Julie Campbell, MACP, notes that getting your technique checked, slowing it down and dropping the weights for a bit will go a long way towards aiding your healthy return.
If you are experiencing pain and have been looking for physiotherapy treatments in Melbourne or surrounding areas, feel free to call us at (03) 9570 1254 or send us an email at info@ebrphysio.com.au
"I have noticed a drastic difference in my quality of life... Cannot recommend enough. I’ve been to a few different local clinics and nothing quite compares to the level and quality of care from the team here. Every detail at the clinic is so well thought out, and everyone cooperates to give such a fantastic level of service."
Sonja Pitt
Email info@ebrphysio.com.au
133 East Boundary Road
(Cnr. Elizabeth Street)
East Bentleigh VIC 3165
Monday – Friday : 8:30 – 6:30pm
Copyright 2024 EBR Physio