Miriam Wynne - EBR Physio Bentleigh East - Page 2 of 2

GLA:D® program at EBR Physio

GLA:D® Program at EBR Physio:

We are very excited to announce that we are now offering the GLA:D® Australia education and exercise program to our clients.
This unique six-week program has been developed to help participants develop skills to better manage their hip and/or knee pain or symptoms of Osteoarthritis (OA). 

Developed in Denmark, the GLA:D®, (Good Life with osteoArthritis in Denmark) program reflects the latest evidence in osteoarthritis (OA) research.

We are very excited to announce that we are now offering the GLA:D® Australia education and exercise program to our clients.

What does the GLA:D® program involve?

  • An initial appointment to explain the program and measure your current functional ability.
  • Small group exercise and education sessions twice a week for six weeks (12 x 1 hour sessions) to improve your control of the joint, your confidence in the joint and your strength. 
  • Educational component teaches you about OA, its risk factors, treatment options, and self-management strategies.

This program is unique in that the education and exercises provided can be applied to everyday activities, ensuring participants develop skills to self-manage their osteoarthritis. By strengthening and improving confidence with exercise, participants develop better capacity to become or stay active, prevent symptom progression, and reduce pain.

GLA:D® Australia

Great results with GLA:D®

For more information about visit the GLA:D® page on our website or visit GLA:D® Australia:   www.gladaustralia.com.au

Research from GLA:D® Australia has found that participants have reported a significant reduction in pain and reduced usage of pain medication. Their quality of life has improved and in many the need for surgery is reduced or delayed.

Getting back to Exercise Safely

During COVID many of us have worked from home and except for walking and cycling, we’ve been unable to go to gym or group exercise classes. During this time I know many of you have logged on to our free online exercises each week with myself via Zoom. From the week beginning 22nd of June, […]

Healthy Bones Week

Healthy Bones Action Week is aimed at encouraging Australians to think about their bones and remind them of the key steps to maintain good bone health, eating calcium-rich foods, well, exercising and getting some safe sunshine for vitamin D.  Exercise plays a vital role in maintaining bone health at all stages of life, building bone strength during childhood and adolescence, maintaining muscles and strong bones as adults and reducing bone loss as we age.

Healthy Bones Week

Healthy Bones Action Week 21 – 27 August:

Healthy Bones Action Week is aimed at encouraging Australians to think about their bones and remind them of the key steps to maintain good bone health, eating calcium-rich foods, well, exercising and getting some safe sunshine for vitamin D.   There are lots of great resources on bone health on the Dairy Health website.

Exercise and Bone Health

Exercise plays a vital role in maintaining bone health at all stages of life, building bone strength during childhood and adolescence, maintaining muscles and strong bones as adults and reducing bone loss as we age.    They type of activities that best supports bone health is WEIGHT BEARING EXERCISE.  What does this mean?  Essentially this means exercise which is done on your feet so you bear your own weight.   This may include walking, hiking, jogging, climbing stairs, gardening, playing tennis, and dancing.  Resistance exercises – such as lifting weights, swimming, hydrotherapy & water aerobics – can also strengthen bones.  Balance exercises strengthen the muscles which keep you upright, eg. Legs and core, these are important for improving stability and preventing falls.

Keep it simple, take a brisk walk outside while getting some sunshine (vitamin D)!

How can physiotherapy help with bone health?

Prevention is key!  

Your physio will assess you taking in to consideration any physical constraints or conditions.  They will design an exercise program  which will enable you to safely strengthen and progress.     At EBR Physio we also offer small Physio-led group classes which are tailored to each participant.  Please contact us if you would like to find out more.

Inspiring People: Nicole

Nicole first came to EBR during the hard lockdown in Melbourne. Having suffered a stroke some time ago Nicole is no stranger to physiotherapy and rehabilitation. Nicole recently underwent ground-breaking reconstructive surgery to improve her ability to walk. When Nicole started her rehab journey at EBR she was in a boot, using a crutch and […]

Step into Spring

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